Wednesday 27 May 2009

The Shadow of the Wind

Book: The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Kit: Private Eye by Club Scrap
Font: Travelling Typewriter
I used the Feather function in Select (radius 200) on the section of the orange paper with the "mysterious man" (to apply: invert select and press delete), several times until there were no edges left. Also used several transparencies (including the text ones), merging the reddish paper into them and changing size and opacity. The white edge on the torn paper is done with the dodge tool.

The Shack

Book: The Shack by William Young
Kit: Sparkle by Club Scrap; ladybird from kit "Recess" by Heather Roselli (Scrapper's Guide May kit)
Font: Copperplate Gothic Light
I used the brush that came with the kit to create the white sparkle swirls, and used the "Hard Light" blend function on the section of the dark blue paper with the brown swirl. I also used the dodge tool to lighten the two paper sections.

The Alchemist

Book: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Kit: Henna by Club Scrap
Font: Bradley Hand
I have used one of the stamps/transparencies in different colours, and to get the lighter colour in the bottom section of the paper for the text to be readable I underlayed it with the beige paper and used the eraser with medium opacity on the original paper.


This is yet another scrapbooking project of mine - but finally I'm getting into the world of digital and quite enjoying myself playing around with different ideas and options.

I wanted something different, not bound by the events and happenings in my life and whether the photos turn out or not etc. And I've long wanted to somehow do something by which to remember my favourite books. So here goes: my Book Review Scrapbook...